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Diese Seite enthält eine Liste aller Optionen des mAirList-Konfigurationsprogramm. Die Abschnitte dieser Seite haben die gleiche Struktur wie das Konfigurationsprogramm.


  • Hier findest du weitere detaillierte Informationen über das Einrichten von Soundkarten, Wiki Thema Konfiguration von Soundkarten.
  • Die Einstellung die mit * gekennzeichneten sind, können während mAirList ausgeführt wird bearbeiten werden.



Anzahl der Playlists
Gibt man 0 an, so wird nur die Cartwall geöffnet.
Wie um höher die Zahl wie um mehr Playlists werden erstellt.

Playlist n

  • Anzahl Player
Die Minderst Anzahl der Players beträgt 1, wir empfehlen, mindestens 3 Player pro Playlist.
  • Maximale Anzahl gespielter Elemente
Wie um höher die Zahl ist, wie um mehr gespielte Elemente werden in der Playlist angezeigt.
Setzt du diese auf 0 so wird die Funktion Deaktiviert.
  • Playlist Optionen

Hier kann man einige Funktionen der Playlist Benutzerdefiniert einstellen.

1. Ob die Automation in dieser Playlist funktionieren soll.
2. Wie viele Player im Automations-Modus benützt werden sollen.
3. Ob die gespielten Elemente automatisch gelöscht werden sollen.
4. Ob nur die am Anfang gespielten Elemente gelöscht werden sollen.
5. Ob die gespielten Elemente nicht in die .mlp/.mld/.mlt Dateien gespeichert werden sollen.
6. Nicht spielbare Elemente im Assist-Modus automatisch als gespielt anzeigen.
7. Die Eventliste zusammen mit Desktops und Vorlagen [.mld/.mlt] speichern.
8. Gelöschte Elemente in den Papierkorb verschieben.
9. Im Automations-Modus automatisch zu Fix-Zeit-Elementen springen.
10. Backtiming fortlaufend aktualisieren, solange kein Player aktive ist.

  • Playlist Anzeige-Optionen (GUI-Optionen) *

Spaltenüberschrift anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, so wird die Spaltenüberschrift angezeigt.
Erweiterte Anzeige - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, so wird Titel und Interpret nicht untereinander sondern Nebeneinander angezeigt. (Auch möglich mit der Tastenkombination Ctrl + Alt + E)
Interpret und Titel in der erweiterten Anzeige vertauschen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, werden Interpret und Titel vertauscht.
Backtiming-Anzeige - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Backtiming-Anzeige angezeigt. (Auch möglich mit der Tastenkombination Ctrl + Alt + B)
Verbleibende Zeit und Ramp für spielende Elemente anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, so wird die Länge runtergezählt. (Ramp wird nicht angezeigt) Ist kein Haken gesetzt, wird die vollständige länge des Liedes angezeigt. (Ramp wird ständig angezeigt)
Ramp-Overlay anzeigen Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird der Ramp als Overlay angezeigt.
Nur die nächste Ramp anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird nur ein Ramp angezeigt, nicht statt zwei.
EOF-Warnung-Countdown als Overlay anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die EOF-Warnung als Overlay angezeigt (wie Ramp)
Buttons zum Ein-und Ausblenden von Kommentaren anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird der Button angezeigt.
Kommentare immer aufklappen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, werden die Kommentare immer aufgeklappt. (nur wenn ein Kommentar vorhanden ist)
Playlist-Icons anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, werden die Playlist-Icons angezeigt.
Klick auf Icon schaltet Extra PFL ein oder aus - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, so kann man mit der linken Maustaste das Extra PFL ein oder aus schalten.
Player-Farben verwenden - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, So werden die Player-Farben in der Playlist angezeigt.
Player-Namen in jedem Zustand anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird der Player-Name über der Zeit angezeigt.
Länge immer anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt,
Ramp immer anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Ramp-Zeit immer angezeigt (auch wenn der Ramp ausgelaufen ist)
Zeit in Sekunden anzeigen (statt Zehntelsekunden) - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Zeit in Minuten und Sekunden angezeigt (statt Minuten/Sekunden/Zehntelsekunden)
Ramp in Sekunden anzeigen (statt Zehntelsekunden) - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird der Ramp in Minuten und Sekunden angezeigt (statt Minuten/Sekunden/Zehntelsekunden)
Zeit automatisch abschneiden - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Zeit automatisch auf die stellen verkürzt die gebraucht werden.
Zeiten immer mindestens zweistellig anzeigen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, zeigt die Zeiten immer zweistellig an.
Automatisch zum spielenden Element scrollen - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, scrollt mAirList zum gerade spielenden Element.
Leertaste löst AUTOMATION NEXT aus - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Leertaste gedrückt, wird zum nächsten Element überblendet.
Escape löst AUTOMATION BREAK aus - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Leertaste gedrückt, wird das zurzeit spielende Element ausgeblendet.
Escape löst AUTOMATION STOP aus - Ist ein Haken gesetzt, wird die Leertaste gedrückt, wird die Automation gestoppt.
Element-spezifische Farben haben Vorrang vor Skin -
Automations-Unterbrechnungs-Länge anzeigen -

  • Kontrollleiste

Split progress bar during ramp
Switch on to display a dual 'split' progress bar showing ramp time separately, while a ramp is playing.
Switch off to always display a single progress bar.
Show playlist item comments *
Allow automation mode *
Separate ASSIST/AUTO buttons
Switch on to display separate ASSIST and AUTO buttons.
Switch off to display a single combined ASSIST/AUTO 'toggle' button.
Toolbar position: bottom
Clear history when opening a file or starting a new file
Always show duration/ramp
Switch on to display 0:00 in the column if the value is unknown or not set.
Switch off to leave the column blank if the value is unknown or not set.
Spacebar triggers AUTOMATION NEXT
(Note that you cannot use the spacebar as a Key in the Hotkeys section. This option is the only way to assign a Command to the spacebar.)
Save event list along with desktop files and templates (.mld/.mlt)
Switch on to save the Event List for this Playlist as part of desktop or template files.
Switch off if you do not want to save the Event List in desktop and template files.
NOTE: When you open a desktop or template file, all its contents are loaded, regardless of this setting.
Backtiming prefixes
The text character(s) displayed before times to indicate Fixed, Absolute, and Relative times.
To change these, edit the text boxes.

Player n

The Player 'name' displayed below the title and artist (and in the Playlist).
A single character (A, B, C or 1, 2, 3) is usual, but you can use longer Captions like 'ADS A.'
Default background colour of the Player.
NOTE: If you have defined Player colours in a skin.ini file, this setting is ignored.
Default time display mode
Output device
The sound card output assigned to this Player's on-air audio output.
Defaults to the default Windows sound card output.
To mute this output, select the dummy device.
PFL device
The sound card output assigned to this Player's PFL audio output.
Defaults to the default Windows sound card output.
To mute this output, select the dummy device.
EOF warning (optional)
The time in seconds before the end of a file when you want the Player to flash as a warning.
Leave this blank if you don't want a flashing EOF warning.
Show PFL cue dialog
Switch on to display the PFL cue dialog box when in PFL mode.
Switch off to PFL 'inside' the Player, without displaying the dialog box.
Show save buttons in PFL cue dialog
Note that you can save only to Metadata or Database, because the audio file is open in the Player.
We recommend that you leave this setting off because it stops presenters unintentionally overwriting cue points.
Auto load *
This needs to be switched on for Automation to work properly.
Auto unload on STOP/EOF *
Auto stop on EOF *
Switching this on ensures that items never get 'stuck' in Players.
Include in logging
Log item START and STOP (according to your Logging settings) in the log file.
Include in database logging
Log item START and STOP (according to your Logging settings) in the SQL log database.
Note that this does not have to be the same database as the one you specify on the Database page (see below).
Show time/ramp in seconds (instead of 1/10s)
Split progress bar during ramp
Switch on to display a dual 'split' progress bar showing ramp time separately, while a ramp is playing.
Switch off to always display a single progress bar.
Auto-truncate time
Switch on to remove leading zeros from durations.
Switch off to always display full durations including hours.
Simultaneous playback and PFL
Note that this requires separate devices for output and PFL (see above).
PFL during playback starts End Mon
PFL normally plays from the start of the item. During playback, PFL is more usually used to monitor the end of a track. Switch this setting on to do this.


Enable Cartwall
Player count (horizontally and vertically)
Self-explanatory. The total number of Cartwall Players is the product of these two numbers.
Output device
The sound card output you want for on-air Cartwall Player audio output.
Defaults to the default Windows sound card output.
To mute this output, select the dummy device.
PFL device
The sound card output you want for Cartwall Player PFL audio output.
Defaults to the default Windows sound card output.
To mute this output, select the dummy device.
EOF warning (optional)
The time in seconds before the end of a file when you want the Player to flash as a warning.
Leave this blank if you don't want a flashing EOF warning.
Default cart set (optional)
The Cart Set (.mlc file) you want loaded in the Cartwall at mAirList startup.
Leave this blank if you want the Cartwall to start empty.
Favorite cart sets (optional)
The Cart Sets (.mlc files, or folders containing them) you want to display in the Cartwall dropdown.
Use the buttons to add or remove individual .mlc files (sets)—or folders containing .mlc files.


Save along with desktop files (.mld)/templates (.mlt)
Switch on to save the Cartwall as part of desktop or template files.
Switch off if you do not want to save the Cartwall contents in desktop and template files.
NOTE: When you open a desktop or template file, all its contents are loaded, regardless of this setting.
Keep open when starting a new file
Switch on to clear the Cartwall (Close All) when you click New on the main Toolbar.
Switch off to leave the Cartwall intact when you click New on the main Toolbar.
Note that you can clear the Cartwall at any time by clicking Close All on the Cartwall Toolbar.
Write played items into log file
The mAirList default is not to log Cartwall Players.
Simultaneous playback and PFL
Note that this requires separate devices for output and PFL (see above).
PFL during playback starts End Mon
PFL normally plays from the start of the item. During playback, PFL is more usually used to monitor the end of a track. Switch this setting on to do this.
Mouse click START/STOP
TIP: If you enable this setting, you do not need to display buttons (STOP/START/etc.) in the Cartwall Players. It is also useful if you have touch screens on your playout PC!

Display Options

Show time/ramp in seconds (instead of 1/10s)
Split progress bar during ramp
Switch on to display a dual 'split' progress bar showing ramp time separately, while a ramp is playing.
Switch off to always display a single progress bar.
Auto-truncate time
Switch on to remove leading zeros from durations.
Switch off to always display full durations including hours.
Show Cartwall tool button in embedded mode
The Cartwall can be displayed in a separate window or 'embedded' in the main window (see below).
When 'embedded,' use this setting to show or hide the Cartwall button in the main Toolbar.
Automatically stretch if no playlists configured
This setting only applies if your Number of playlists is 0 (no Playlists), AND the Cartwall is 'embedded' in the main window (see below).
Switch on to automatically 'stretch' the Cartwall so that it fills the mAirList window.
Cartwall Position
Click embedded in main window to display the Cartwall within the main mAirList window.
Click in its own window to display the Cartwall in a separate window.
Cartwall Window Options
NOTE: These options only apply if the Cartwall is displayed in its own window (see above).
Switch on to Maximize the Cartwall window at mAirList startup.
Visible at startup/Always on top
Remember window position
Switch on to save the Cartwall window size and position in position.ini when mAirList closes. The saved Cartwall window size and position will be used at the next mAirList startup.
TIP: To save a specific Cartwall window size and position for use at every startup:
  1. Start Configuration and switch this option on.
  2. Start mAirList.
  3. Drag and stretch the Cartwall window to your desired size and position.
  4. Close mAirList.
  5. Start Configuration and switch this option off.
Multiple monitors: Show Cartwall window on display


Standard clock/LED clock/Date
Switch on to always display the item.
TIP: Use position.ini to size and position the item in the window.
Station logo
Switch on to display the logo file you select.
TIP: Use position.ini to size and position the logo in the window.
Save along with desktop files (.mld)/templates (.mlt)
Switch on to save the Browser setup as part of desktop or template files.
Switch off if you do not want to save the Browser setup in desktop and template files.
NOTE: When you open a desktop or template file, all its contents are loaded, regardless of this setting.
Keep open when starting a new file
Switch on to clear the Browser and Close all Browser panes when you click New on the main Toolbar.
Switch off to leave the Browser intact when you click New on the main Toolbar.
Always show Played Items browser
Old-style browsers
Switch on to use the (older) tabbed browser display.
Switch off to use the standard Outlook style browser display.

Remote Control

You can read more about mAirList Remote Control in this Wiki topic.


Note that you can type one or more Commands (in UPPERCASE, separated by ; characters) directly into the Action box instead of using the dropdown. There is a full list of Actions in the Actions and Commands Wiki topic.

To add a Hotkey:

  1. Click the Key box.
  2. Press the key or key combination you want to add (for example, Ctrl+Shift+Q).
    NOTE: Windows disallows the use of some keys as Hotkeys, including spacebar and Esc.
  3. If you want the Hotkey to apply 'globally' in Windows, check the global (system-wide) box.
  4. Select the Action (Command) you want to assign to the key or key combination.
  5. Click Add.

To edit a Hotkey:

  • Select the existing Hotkey definition in the list.
    • To change the Action:
      1. Select (or type) the new Action.
      2. Click Add.
      3. Click OK in the warning dialog to make the change, or
        click Cancel to cancel the change.
    • To change the Hotkey:
      1. Click the Key box.
      2. Press the 'new' key or key combination you want to use.
      3. Click Add.
      4. Select the Hotkey definition for the 'old' key in the list.
      5. Click Remove.

To delete a Hotkey:

  1. Select the existing Hotkey definition in the list.
  2. Click Remove.



Über das Midi-Interface können Midi Daten jedes beliebigen, Midifähigen, Gerätes erfasst werden. Hierdurch bietet MairList die Möglichkeit das System auch mittels Midi zu steuern. Die Aktionen müssen nicht über das Dropdown Feld ausgewählt werden sondern können, wenn bekannt, auch direkt eingegeben werden. Eine Zusammenfassung aller Aktionen findet man unter Actions and Commands in der Wiki.

Hinweis: Diese Midischnittstelle dient nur zum Empfang von Daten, jedoch nicht zum senden. Dies muss über ein Script durchgeführt werden.

Midi Aktion erstellen:

  1. Wähle in der MairList Config den Menüpunkt Fernsteuerung
  2. Wähle über Hinzufügen den Punkt Midi aus
  3. Am einfachsten lässt sich das Midikommando erstellen in dem man
    • Zuerst über das Dropdown Menü das richtige Midigerät auswählt
    • Man unten den Haken Aufzeichnen setzt
    • Die entsprechende Taste auf dem Midigerät drückt bzw. den Midibefehl durchführt
    • Hinter dem Text "Data 2:" auswählt auf was MairList die Mididaten prüfen soll
      • "=": MairList führt die Aktion nur aus wenn die gesendeten Daten genau dem gespeicherten Wert entsprechen.
      • ">": MairList führt die Aktion durch sobald der empfangene Midiwert Größer wie der gespeicherte Midiwert ist. (Achtung! Mairlist führt das Kommando jedes mal durch wenn ein Signal größer ist wie das gespeicherte Signal. Hier handelt es sich nicht um einen Schwellwertschalter)
      • "<": MairList führt die Aktion durch sobald der empfangene Midiwert Kleiner wie der gespeicherte Midiwert ist. (Achtung! Mairlist führt das Kommando jedes mal durch wenn ein Signal kleiner ist wie das gespeicherte Signal. Hier handelt es sich nicht um einen Schwellwertschalter)
    • Rechts neben der Statuszeile (hier sieht man die grade empfangenen Daten) auf Hinzufügen klicken
    • Anschließend in der Zeile "Kommando" die entsprechende Aktion auswählen
    • Abschließend auf OK klicken um die erstellte Aktion zu speichern

Man kann die Mididaten (falls bekannt) auch direkt in die entsprechenden Zellen "Status", "Data 1" und "Data 2" eintragen

Midi Aktion ändern:

  1. Die entsprechende Zelle einer vorhanden Midi-Aktion auswählen (Kommando)
    • Das Kommando kann von Hand oder über das Dropdown Feld geändert werden
    • Die Midinachricht kann nicht von Hand manipuliert werden. Daher muss bei einer Änderung der Midinachricht diese neu aufgezeichnet oder erstellt werden.

Midi Aktion löschen:

  1. Die entsprechende Aktion einmal anklicken
  2. Mit Löschen diese Nachricht und Aktion entfernen

Mit Klick auf OK werden alle gemachten Änderungen gespeichert

Midi Daten senden:

Das senden von Mididaten muss mittels Script durchgeführt werden. Hier ist darauf zu achten das man sich am besten auf ein bestimmtes Ereignis bezieht. Für nähere Infos zu Scripten bitte in der Wiki nachsehen. Hierdurch ist es möglich das externe Midigeräte auf stattfindende Ereignisse in Mairlist reagieren (zum Beispiel: Mididaten senden wenn Player A gestartet wird)

Der Befehl zum Midi Daten senden lautet:

MidiOut ( aa, bb, cc, dd );


  • "aa" Das Midigerät angibt
  • "bb" Dem Midikanal entspricht
  • "cc" Dem Datenwort 1 entspricht
  • "dd" Dem Datenwort 2 entspricht

Hinweis: Anders wie in der Konfig für Midiaktionen werden die Daten hier Dezimal angegeben.

Um die Gerätenummer seiner Mididevices in Erfahrung zu bringen kann man am besten das, dem MairList, beiliegende Script "MidiOutTest.mls" nutzen, welches am unterem Bidlschirmrand die Devicenummer ausgibt.

Achtung wenn man mehrere Geräte hat. Es wird nur das letzte Mididevice angezeigt.

Man kann aber ganz einfach in der Konfig die Reihenfolge der Midigeräte erkennen und braucht dann nur Rückwärts zu rechnen bis man vom letzten Gerät aus bei dem gewünschten angekommen ist.



Serial Port


Quick Folders

A Quick Folder is a folder which appears as a menu item in the dropdown menu behind the Add button in the Browser Toolbar. Clicking a Quick Folder is the same as clicking Add, Directory and then navigating to the folder you want to Add.

Use the buttons on this Configuration page to manage the Quick Folders list.


You can optionally log started/stopped items in a plain text log file, or directly into a SQL database, or both.

The settings below apply to text file logging:

Write all started/stopped items to a log file.
Log file
You can use a single log file for started and stopped items, or a different log file for started and stopped items.
Log file format
Formatting strings which specify the exact contents of your started/stopped log entries.
(For details, read the Logging section of the online manual.)

To log to a SQL database, you need to copy the SQL database 'client DLL' to your mAirList program folder, then configure a connection and INSERT statements using the following settings:

Log to SQL database
Database type/Host/Database/User/Password
Complete these fields to set up a connection to your SQL log database.
NOTE: The log database connection is entirely separate from any databases you configure in the Databases Configuration options.
INSERT command (on start/stop)
Enter the SQL INSERT command to insert a new log record into your database.
If you leave a text box blank, that type of item (for example, on stop) will not be logged in the database.


Although you can easily populate a mAirList Playlist by dropping files on it from the built-in directory browsers or Windows Explorer, most studios also maintain a database of tracks to make it easier to search for tracks, and as the basis of file and playlist management. Currently, mAirList can connect to iTunes, eldoDB, and radioDB databases, as well as 'on-the-fly' databases (see below).

To add a database connection:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Select the database type.
  3. Enter the connection or file details in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click the Save changes button below the connection file fields.
Apple iTunes is digital jukebox and music library software which is supplied with the popular iPod family of MP3 players, but you can use iTunes even if you do not own an iPod player. mAirList can use playlists defined in iTunes, search for tracks in the iTunes database, and display the entire iTunes database in a tree structure identical to the one used on iPods.
iTunes maintains its database of MP3 files in the My Documents\My Music\iTunes folder on your local hard drive. In particular, the folder contains the iTunes Music Library.xml file, which contains information about all the files in the database, all iTunes playlists, and so on.
When you add an iTunes database connection, you only have one parameter to set:
The complete path and file name of the iTunes Music Library.xml file.
eldoDB is the music database written for mAirList by Torben Weibert. eldoDB uses MySQL as its SQL server, and is supplied with the Musikliste.exe management software. You can manage your archive or tracks, and you can create playlists manually or automatically.
Development of eldoDB has been abandoned in favour of the mAirListDB project (scheduled to be released along with mAirList 3.0). Meantime, you can still use eldoDB.
When you add an eldoDB database connection, you have to set these parameters:
The database protocol to be used to connect to the SQL server, usually mysql-3.23. You need the client library libmysql323.dll. For licensing reasons, this is the only client library version you can use with closed-source software like mAirList, but you can also connect to newer MySQL servers with it (in fact, eldoDB requires an installed MySQL Server version of 4.0 or higher).
Host, Database, User, Password
These settings define the connection mAirList will use to connect to the MySQL server. Your MySQL administrator should be able to tell you the correct values to use.
eldoDB uses relative filenames within the database, which are prepended by a base directory specified for each client. This way, you can easily use different directories when accessing your music folder, for example through a local hard disk on the server, through a network share on your clients, anlifdbwqay.d through a different local drive (holding a copy of the library, for redundancy) on your studio computer. Add a backslash at the end of the path name.
radioDB, available from http://www.radiodb.de, is a music database developed for mAirList by Christoph Krämer. radioDB uses PostgreSQL as its SQL server.
The original (deprecated) version of radioDB uses a web-based client written in PHP. radioDB2 is a complete redesign and rewrite, and includes a Java client.
When you add a radioDB database connection, you have to set these parameters:
The database protocol to be used to connect to the SQL server, usually postgresql-7.3. You need the PostgreSQL client library libpq73.dll. mAirList does not support any client library newer than version 7.3, but as with MySQL, old client libraries usually work with newer versions of the PostgreSQL server.
Host, Database, User, Password
These settings define the connection mAirList will use to connect to the PostgreSQL server. Your PostgreSQL administrator should be able to tell you the correct values to use.
radioDB stores absolute filenames in the database. If your copy of mAirList runs on a different computer, which accesses the files using a different path (for example, a network share), enter this base path as BaseDir, including a trailing backslash. Also note the StripPath parameter below.
When you need to change the absolute file names stored in the radioDB database, mAirList can automatically 'strip' the old (now incorrect) base path from the absolute file names. If you want to do this, type the full path to be stripped; the new BaseDir will be added to the start of the file names, creating new and correct absolute file names.
A radioDB installation hosted on a Linux server uses slashes (/) instead of backslashes (\) to delimit folder names within the stored file names in the database. If your radioDB installation is hosted on a Linux server, type / in the PathDelimiter field: mAirList will convert slashes to backslashes.
On-the-fly Databases
An on-the-fly database is a very simple 'database' which does not need any kind of database server software. At program startup, mAirList will recursively scan a folder (or set of folders) you specify, and display all the files (sorted by Artist) in the Browser's Database pane. You can also use the Browser Database Search to search for a track title or artist.
mAirList builds on-the-fly databases by reading the Artist and Title fields in metadata (.mmd) files; or in the mAirList or native tags in MP3, MusiFile, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files. Note that if both exist, the metadata file takes precedence over the native audio file tag.
You can configure on-the-fly databases to operate in cached or non-cached mode.
In non-cached mode, the directory is completely re-scanned from scratch at each mAirList startup. The more files you have in your library, the longer this will take. The advantage is that the on-the-fly database will always be up to date at mAirList startup.
In cached mode, the first scan creates a file named OnTheFlyCache.mlp in the folder you specify; thereafter, mAirList will read the cache file at startup instead of scanning the directory. If you delete or add any files, these changes will not be reflected in the cache file unless you set the AutoRescan option, which will add any new files to the cache and remove any deleted files from it.
If you want to use the Save to Database button in the Properties dialog and the PFL and Extra PFL players with an on-the-fly database, the on-the-fly database must use cached mode. Note that in this case, the AutoRescan mechanism will not re-read existing files. If you save cue points in the on-the-fly database (cache file) and in the audio file's tag, the database takes precedence over the native audio file tag.
Like the other database types, you can create multiple on-the-fly database connections, in case your library is held in several folders.
The complete path to the folder to be scanned, without a trailing backslash.
Type true in this field to enable caching.
Type true in this field to enable automatic rescan of the cache file as described above. (Cached must also be enabled.)


Use this page to manage your lists of:

  • Action Scripts—Scripts displayed as menu items in the main Toolbar Actions button menu.
  • Notification Scripts—Scripts which run when specific events occur, such as mAirList startup.


Use this page if you need to change any settings for the BASS.DLL audio engine used internally by mAirList. Do not 'tinker' with these settings! Change them only if you need to. Changing these settings from their defaults may make mAirList audio playout worse, or may even stop it completely.

Buffer size/Update period (ms)
Adjusting these options (default 500ms and 100ms, respectively) may cure audio problems like drop-out or excessive latency.
Do not change these settings unless you are experiencing audio playout problems.
If you have installed any BASS 'add-on' DLLs ('plugins') to support additional audio file types, type the BASSxxx.DLL file names here, separated by spaces.
Note that files of the 'new' types will not appear in Browser file listings until you add the 'new' file extensions to Additional file extensions (see Miscellaneous below).
Enable mAirList's file management
Switch on if you want mAirList to open audio files and then pass the audio data internally to BASS for playout. This can help if network access to audio files on a different PC is slow or unreliable.
Switch off (default) if you want BASS to handle opening audio files (mAirList passes audio file names to BASS, and BASS opens the files).
We suggest that you switch this option on, especially if you access any audio files from another PC or server on a local network.
Load entire file into RAM if smaller than (0 = disable)
Audio files of this size or less will be pre-loaded and played out directly from RAM.
Applies only if mAirList's file management is enabled (see above).
We suggest that you switch this option on unless it causes problems. Specify a value larger than (ideally double) the average size of your audio files.
Force multichannel output
Switch on to force BASS to treat all sound cards as 7.1.
Check first in Windows Control Panel that the sound card's speakers have been configured correctly. Set this option only as a last resort, if BASS still does not detect the sound card channels properly.
If VBR-encoded files show the wrong duration when you load them, or the mAirListTag Player behaves strangely at the end of files, switch this option on and it will solve the problem.
Applies only if mAirList's file management is enabled (see above).
We suggest that you switch this option on unless it causes problems.


Multiple monitors
On dual-monitor PCs, selects the single monitor you want to use, or Extend over all monitors to use the whole virtual desktop.
Additional file extensions
'Extra' file extensions which you want mAirList to recognise as audio files.
Type extensions in UPPERCASE without the leading . Separate the extensions with a space.
Extra PFL device
The sound card output you want for Extra PFL Player (see below) audio output.
Defaults to the default Windows sound card output.
To mute this output, select the dummy device.
Default automation fade time
The default length of time (in milliseconds) of a FADE while in Auto mode.
To override this for individual items, specify a fade time in the item's Properties dialog.
End Mon duration
The length of time (in milliseconds) before the end of audio files, from where you want the End Mon button in PFL players to start playback.
Default is 15000 (= 15 seconds).
Show GUI in language
If you installed mAirList with more than one language, use this dropdown to select a language for the mAirList buttons, menus, etc. When you change language, the change will be applied to Configuration when it is next started.
File extensions Register/Unregister
Click Register to 'register' mAirList file types (like .mlp) in Windows. You can then double-click mAirList files (in Explorer, for example) to start mAirList.
Click Unregister to remove 'registration' of mAirList file types in Windows.
Always run maximized
Switch on to Maximize the mAirList window at startup.
Remember window position
Switch on to save the mAirList window size and position in position.ini when mAirList closes. The saved window size and position will be used at the next mAirList startup.
Forces PFL off when a Player START Command is received.
(Some mixers' hardware sends START and PFL OFF signals in an undetermined order.)
Allow Extra PFL
You can use the Extra PFL Player to PFL currently-on-air items, and items not currently loaded in a Playlist Player.
Extra PFL: Show time/ramp in seconds (instead of 1/10s)
Extra PFL: Split progress bar during ramp
Switch on to display a dual 'split' progress bar showing ramp time separately, while a ramp is playing.
Switch off to always display a single progress bar.
Extra PFL: Auto-truncate time
Switch on to remove leading zeros from durations.
Switch off to always display full durations including hours.
Import description from file tags
When an MP3 (or other tagged file format) file is loaded into a Playlist, import (copy) the Comment tag as the mAirList Comment.
Import MusiFile Outro markers as Fade Out
This option applies only to MusiFile MP2 audio files.
Switch on to import MusiFile Outro markers as mAirList Fade Out cue points.
Switch off to import MusiFile Outro markers as mAirList Outro cue points.

The two options below require you to name audio files using the following format:


where n is a number representing seconds before the end of the file, for the purpose of setting a cue point. For example:

Abba - Fernando~12.mp3

This naming format is also used by Raduga and ZaraRadio software.

Import ~ in filename as Outro
Switch on if, when opening a '~ name' audio file, you want mAirList to use the '~ number' to calculate and set an Outro cue point.
Import ~ in filename as Fade Out
Switch on if, when opening a '~ name' audio file, you want mAirList to use the '~ number' to calculate and set a Fade Out cue point.

Manual Configuration Changes

The options below can only be changed by manually editing files in your mAirList program directory. If you do this, make sure that:

  • you take a backup copy of the file to another location before you make any changes,
  • you use an editor which saves files as plain text (for example, Windows Notepad), and
  • you save the file with the correct name.

Default Folders

To change the default folder in any of the 'open/save file' dialogs in mAirList, add a [DefaultDirectories] section to the mairlist.ini file. The example below shows all the possible entries: you can use as many or as few of these as you like, changing the folder names to suit your installation.


Customise Main and Browser Toolbars

To customise the main and/or Browser Toolbars, add a [Toolbar] and/or [BrowserToolbar] section to the skin.ini file, containing any of the keys listed below.

Button Appearance

You can add three options (keys) which affect the appearance of toolbar buttons. Here is an example for the Browser Toolbar:

Switch on for small icons with captions displayed to the right of the icon.
Switch off (default) for large icons with captions displayed below the icon.
Switch on (default) to display captions below/beside the button icons.
Switch off to not display captions.
Switch on to display buttons at their minimum size. This is recommended if you specify List=on and/or Captions=off.
Switch off (default) to display standard size buttons.

Hide Buttons and Separators

Add any of the following options (keys) to the [Toolbar] section to hide buttons and/or separators in the main Toolbar:


Add any of the following options (keys) to the [BrowserToolbar] section to hide buttons in the Browser Toolbar:

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