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Logging Variables

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This page lists all variables which can be used for log entries (and log file names) and variable substitution in file-related actions.

All variables start with a percentage sign (%) and a single character. Some variables expect a parameter, enclosed in curly brackets.

Variable Listing

(as of mAirList 2.1.43)

Variable Value
 %a Artist of the playlist item.
 %b Title of the playlist item.
 %c{name} (only for file playlist items) Value of a cue marker. Valid names are: CueIn, Ramp, Ramp2, Ramp3, HookIn, HookFade, HookOut, Outro, StartNext, FadeOut, CueOut, and Anchor.
 %d (only for STOP logging) Actual broadcast duration in mAirList Time Units.
 %D Day of the current month (two digits).
 %e (only for STOP logging) Actual broadcast duration of the playlist item in seconds.
 %E (only for file playlist items) Ending of the playlist item, as set in the Properties dialog.
 %h Current hour (two digits).
 %i{name} (only for file playlist items) Value of the file tag (e.g., ID3 tag) with the specified name. For ID3v2, use the four-character internal ID3v2 names (TRCK, TYER, etc.).
 %m Current minute (two digits).
 %M Current month (two digits).
 %s Current second (two digits).
 %t Tab character.
 %T{format} Current date and time, formatted with Delphi's FormatDateTime function.
 %u{name} (only for file playlist items) Value of an Attribute of the playlist item.
 %Y Current year (four digits).
 %1 (only for file playlist items) Filename, with full path.
 %2 (only for file playlist items) Filename, without path.
 %3 (only for file playlist items) Filename, without path or extension.
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